Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Imam Thinks the U.S. is Hell?

I have met Omar Jamal a few times, he at this time seems to take the right stance against an Imam who has made some troubling statements.

This is from March.

Who Gives a Shit if She's Latina?

[link in title]
Today Obama announced his choice for the Supreme Court, Judge Sonia Sotomayor. Sotomayor is a self described 'Newyorican' of Puerto Rican decent but raised in the burrough of Bronx, New York. She rose from poverty to attend the ivory halls of both Princeton and Yale Law School (for this I applaude her!). While attending Princeton it sounds like she developed a chip on her shoulder; "I have spent my years since Princeton, while at law school and in my various professional jobs, not feeling completely a part of the worlds I inhabit," she said, adding that that despite her accomplishments, “I am always looking over my shoulder wondering if I measure up.” [source: New York Times] In 1992 then President George Herbert Walker Bush appointed Sotomayor to district court. In 1997 President William Jefferson Clinton appointed Sotomayer to the U.S. appeals court which the Republican's blocked for close to a year before finally giving in to seat her on the appeals court.

Her most high-profile case involved New Haven’s decision to toss out tests used to evaluate candidates for promotion in the fire department because there were no minority candidates at the top of the list.

She was part of a panel that rejected the challenge brought by white firefighters who scored high but were denied promotion. Frank Ricci, the lead plaintiff, argued that it was unfair he was denied promotion after he had studied intensively for the exam and even paid for special coaching to overcome his dyslexia.

The case produced a heated split in the Circuit Court and is now before the Supreme Court. [source: New York Times] Great, she'll get to hear the case again, I wonder how she'll rule?

I'm sure we would all agree the job of a Justice is to hear cases brought before the Court and to decide the case not based on "feelings" but rather the rule of law. You CAN NOT make policy from the bench nor should you. However, Sotomayer seem's to have a different take: [the]"court of appeals is where policy is made. And I know — I know this is on tape, and I should never say that because we don’t make law. I know. O.K. I know. I’m not promoting it. I’m not advocating it. I’m — you know.” [emphasis added]

In fact, she has other interesting quotes that once again are based on "feelings" rather then logic. For example, “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life...”

I don't care if she is the first latina nominated to the Supreme Court, she has a racist line of thinking and she has proven by her own actions and words that she is willing to make policy from the bench and decide cases based on feelings rather then logic and rule of law.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Medical Mary Jane

Medical use of marijuana is out. Meanwhile, daily non-medical use is still accepted, legal or not. Tim Pawlenty feels, ...marijuana poses "serious public safety and health risks." Legalizing marijuana, even under limited conditions, "could serve to compound these problems..."

Does the use of pot serve as a public safety risk? I don't think so. In fact, marijuana is as much a gateway as french fries are to child obesity.

According to a study published at The American Journal of Psychiatry conducted by the University of Pittsburgh and several people with lots of letters after their names. The study says that environment and access to drugs contributes more to the "drug ladder" then the simple use of marijuana alone.

To back up the Pitt study, a 1999 study by the Division of Neuroscience and Behavioral Health at the Institute of Medicine entitled "Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base," found no evidence of a link between cannabis use and the subsequent abuse of other illicit drugs on the basis of its particular physiological effect.

While I tend to be pretty conservative, I don't think we should police what people consume in their own home. If we as a society continue to keep alcohol legal we might as legalize pot use. In fact, I would rather be on the road with a bunch of pot heads over a bunch of drunks. Drunks speed and swerve all over the road. Pot heads just kinda go slow as they're never in a hurry. They will however rush to BK to get a Flaming Whopper and some cheesy tots.

T-Paw, let the fucking dying smoke some weed, what could it hurt?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lakeville school board declines to ban Confederate flag decal

[link in title]
The school board was concerned that banning the rebel flag on campus would violate the Constitution. By SARAH LEMAGIE, Star Tribune

Bravo to the Lakeville school board! Here is a school board that understands the right to free speech.

However, in reading the story I found some troubling statements and quotes: " Amundson's decal led to several complaints and a petition - signed by roughly 50 Lakeville school employees -- calling for the school board to ban the Confederate flag from school grounds." The board's stance disappointed some at Lakeville South, including teacher Peter Woollen, who worried the district could be heading down a slippery slope and said several students have told him the symbol offends them. [Teacher, Peter] Woollen said he's not accusing the student of being racist, but perhaps "naive." At least two parents complained to school officials, and [teacher, Peter] Woollen filed a formal objection with the district last month.

WTF? First off, Peter Woollen sounds like a complete asshole! Peter, you have proven yourself to be the "naive" one. These kids are in highschool and they have a life time of being offended ahead of them. You know what offends me? That stuipid "coexist" bumpersticker or a Che Guevera tee-shirt.

Several students and two parents complained? While I couldn't find total student enrollment numbers for Lakeville South H.S., there are 11500 students in the Lakeville district. Assuming there are 1000 students and each student lives with one and a half parent, thats 1500 parents. Two complaints equals just 0.001333% of the parent population. If less then 1% of the parents are concerned and "several" (ambiguous to say the least) students complained I would say this is a non-factor.

Peter, you can't protect these kids from stuff that offend's them. I would guess that more students are offended by the fact that you Peter, are trying to remove the right of free speech from the high school campus. As for the other 49 Lakeville school employees who signed the petition - how does it feel to be on the wrong side of the U.S. Constitution?

UPDATE: I just found a letter that Peter Woollen wrote to the StarTribune in regards to some sort of advertising done by the American Voter Fund. He's complaining to the Strib about "red shirts" the GOP used after the Civil War to gain votes. Sounds to me like Peter Woollen would rather everone wore brown shirts. I don't know the specifics of the ad mentioned, but the link can be found here: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2006/02/012953.php?format=print

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Commuting by Bike May Kill You

Startibune.com link in title
"An adult male bicyclist was killed early this morning near downtown Minneapolis when a truck driver turned into the cycling lane on Park Avenue, crushing the rider."

One thing about the opening paragraph that stikes me, "...a truck driver turned into the cycling lane on Park Avenue..." Was the truck driver turing left or right?

A quick search of Google Street View shows that when on Park Ave heading north (the only direction you can travel) shows that the bike lane in on the left side of the street. To the left you can turn onto Grant and to the right is E. 14th. This intersection is controlled by a light. If the driver of the truck did indeed turn into the bike lane I would guess he was making a left onto Grant. I would also guess he had a green light to do so (since you cant turn left on a red). So how does the biker get hit by the rear wheels of the trailer? Simple: the biker was not paying attention!

UPDATE: According to Channel 5 the truck was indeed turning left onto Grant. Also, investigators said the [truck] driver will not be issued a citation. He was hit by the rear wheels, which to me seems the biker caused his own death.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Does Hamas Know Something About Obama?

[Link to Jerusalem Post in title]
Hamas reacted with pessimism on Tuesday to the meeting between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama, saying that while the comments made by the two leaders professed hope, they were really just meant to deceive the world.

"Obama's remarks and expressions of hope were intended to deceive the international community regarding everything connected to the continuing behavior and existence of the racist and radical Zionist entity," a spokesperson for the group said in a statement published early Tuesday morning."

Hold up, wait a minute. Is this spokesman for Hamas saying that President Obama is just glad handing with Israel with no intention of support? I have read and re-read this several times and all I can conclude is Hamas thinks all Obama is doing is insincere with Our relationship with Israel. Obama will bend Binyamin Netanyahu's ear until Israel backs-off, thus giving a moral victory to Hamas which some think will only embolden further attacks against Israel.

What is next for Obama? Is he a tool of the people behind the curtain or worse yet, does he have a grand plan that he has begun to unfold in the internation community?

Obama says he wants progress with Iran by year's end

By Ross Colvin
WASHINGTON (Reuters)[link in title]
"U.S. President Barack Obama set a rough timetable for his diplomatic outreach to arch-foe Iran for the first time on Monday, saying he wanted to see serious progress by the end of the year.

He also held out the prospect of tougher sanctions against Tehran "to ensure that Iran understands we are serious."

Whoa! That sounds serious! Damnit, if we dont have progress by years end... well I'm gonna have to extend your timeline another six months or so.

The majority of the people who live in Israel already feel that Obama is less a friend and more a foe of Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has regained power in Israel simply because he isn't afraid to defend his country and his people. The people of Israel understand that there are countries in thier backyard who, once given the technology, will stop at nothing to elimanate Israel.

Do we have a leader who is willing to protect his country and people? The jury may still be out on that but, based on the the first 100+ days, I don't think so.

Obama to announce auto mileage, emissions standards

By KEN THOMAS and PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writers [link in title]
WASHINGTON"President Barack Obama's new fuel and emission standards for cars and trucks will save billions of barrels of oil but are expected to cost consumers an extra $1,300 per vehicle by the time the plan is complete in 2016."

According to my research the average cost of a new car is $28715.00. Add just over 4.5%, or $1300.00 and you're looking at a new car cost of $30015.00! Here in Minnesota the sales tax on a new car purchase is 6.5%, there is an additional $20.00 "Transit Tax" for a total of $31985.98. Don't forget license and registration which, based on the DMV base value book would be about $485.00. Each dealer in Minnesota charges a $75.00 delaer documentation fee of $75.00. Now, your total new car investment is $32545.98! How many people can afford to put 10 - 20% down?

For arguments sake lets say you do put 20% of the total cost down; $6509.20. You finance the balance of $26036.78 for 60 months at 5.24% offered by either the dealer or your local credit union. You would have monthly payment of $494.21 for the next FIVE YEARS! Is it any wonder that both GM and Chrysler are failing?

In what world does Obama live where the average family of four can swing not only $6500.00 down and then pay an additional $494.21 per month? According to the U.S. Census, the median family income here in Minnesota is $59583.00.

And if you have a boat or a couple of sleds, good luck towing them with your new Honda Civic.

The End of Anti-Strib?

All this week there has been some buzz over at Anti-Strib about the end being near.

On the one hand I understand why they're shutting down; time consumption, number of good posts and comments that have spun out of control. On the other hand, damn I enjoyed the blog!

Perhaps now is a time to offer fresh perspective? Take the Anti-Strib concept and turn it back to it's roots. With a closer look at local midwest news with a small focus on national and world events.

Anyone interested in contributing, please email me at tgwrh@yahoo.com. I can't do it alone but I think that as this grows we can do it right, with a balance of freedom matched with a dose of respect... No pissing matches allowed from either side of the opinion.